Monday, November 30, 2009

Ode to the Fan

Like most King girls, I am dependent on the sweet lullaby of a fan to get me to sleep. The noise helps drown the loud thoughts in my head long enough to let me slip off to sleep. When Alvin and I got married this bugged him to death. Pure silence is what he preferred for his sleep setting.

Last night, probably out of sheer laziness, neither one of us would get up to turn on the fan. This is pretty ridiculous as it sits at the foot of our bed. Suffice it to say, my loud inner thoughts found their way out and had a party with Alvin's loud inner thoughts. At this point we're so ridiculously tired but egging each other on.

Needless to say, I did not get to sleep at a decent hour for getting up at 5:30 this morning. Now I sit in my office with the sound of my space heater teasing me. I'll have you know though, that Alvin admitted that he now can't sleep without the fan either. Success! Look what almost 4 years of marriage can do! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Epic GNO!

Last night was quite possibly the best girls night ever. Too bad I didn't have my camera on me. Lissa and I did it up right! After getting all dolled up we met and got dinner at The Broiler. Mmmm... Halibut and chowder. To keep us going I picked up four cans of Orange Full Throttle which made for random outbursts of "Yak!". After dinner we perused a few shops at the Gateway before they closed. Then it was on to the "Fangs or Fur" event at the Megaplex. Lissa put it so well when she chose to go for Team Jacob by purchasing tickets for the "Fur" theater; "Ya gotta root for the little guy" (Doesn't hurt that he's 1/2 naked through out the whole movie either.) We were loving all the different fans. There was a pre-teen in front of us that had painted a wolf nose and whiskers on her face. Another group of fans all had the same shirt on that said, "I swing both ways". Then came the goody bag. It was like trick or treat for crazy Twilight fans. We got a green re-usable bag with a t-shirt, pop corn, hot tamales, vitamin water, a 32 oz Jacob cup, fangs, truffle, license plate cover, and other misc promo items. The movie was crazy good, a ba-gillion times better than the previous. I love going to opening night shows with all the fans that actually applaud and cheer. Lissa is also a key ingredient for going to opening night movies, she makes it crazy fun with her emphasized pokes, hand squeezes and thwacks to my shoulder through out the whole thing. We both drove home in silence, her to Tooele and I to Kaysville, trying to take it all in. (lol) If this makes us big nerds so be it!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Notes... Who needs 'em?

You'll have to forgive all the silly memory postings I put on here, but this is the closest thing I have to a journal. (Won't my posterity lucky to read all about my crush on Robert Pattinson lol) Anyhow here is another such posting.

There are those moments right before bed that Alvin and I talk about the most ridiculous things. Last night it was "recorders". Did any of you have "recorder class" around 3rd or 4th grade? Well we did. I can remember getting my brown plastic recorder out of it's blue bag for the first time.

We joked about Alvin performing a solo on his recorder in an upcoming sacrament meeting. You may not know this about Alvin but he can play most anything he hears on the piano. This "playing by ear" translated to his recorder in his early years. Here's a direct quote from the master himself, "It's not a matter of learning it (the song), it's just there".

Man I thought my "Hot Cross Buns" was a trip. The coordination of keeping all five fingers doing something to produce an actual melody was a genuine accomplishment for me. Can you imagine my cocky husband at 8 or 9 yrs old... "Oh yeah, have you heard of Bach?" I'm in trouble when we have little Alvin's running around.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Got the Gratefuls

This morning I woke up with the gratefuls. It's a strange virus that can be highly contagious. Na, but in all seriousness I woke up feeling extremely blessed for all the individuals in my life. If you don't find you're name on this list please don't feel offended - just post a comment and I'll be sure to tell you why I'm grateful for you too!

Alvin: I'm grateful for your energy that I will work my whole life to keep up with.
Dad: I'm grateful for your drive, it's what makes you "Bill King".
Mom: I'm grateful for your love of the gospel and your spot on pep talks.
Jen: I'm grateful for your excitement for life and all things beautiful.
Sam: I'm grateful that you got your parent's love of learning new things.
Sarah: I'm grateful for your love of all things girly. Keep up the High School Musical karaoke!
Mary: I'm grateful for your sweetness and your innocent little mind.
Rosie: I'm grateful for your constant concern and love. (You'll always be my second mom.)
Jimmy: I'm grateful for your willingness to provide for your family.
Jackson: I'm grateful for funny little sayings and your cute little self.
Billy: I'm grateful for your genuine attitude and your talented mind.
Brooklyn: I'm grateful for your laugh, patience with Bill, and love of the out doors.
Melissa: I'm grateful for your sense of humor and your desire to do what is right.
Dean: I'm grateful for your love of your girls and awesome daddy/husband skills.
Kennedy: I'm grateful for your creativity, love of animals, and tender heart.
Ava: I'm grateful for your distinct little personality and your love of all things McQueen.
Allie: I'm grateful for your self assured little soul that keeps your parents on their toes.
Loraine: I'm grateful for your goodness. There's not a thing you wouldn't do or give for another.
Stuart: I'm grateful for your love of learning and teaching.
Russell: I'm grateful for your protective demeanor toward your wife and baby girl.
Chrystal: I'm grateful for your example of how to do it all.
Celeste: I'm grateful for your sweet little smile and that you're a perfect mix of your parents.
Greg: I'm grateful for your service to others in need and positive attitude.
Daniel: I'm grateful for your work ethic and willingness to do what it takes.
Hayley: I'm grateful for your love of all things vintage and your caring attitude.
Vinny: I'm grateful for your curious little being that makes you so smart.
Annie: I'm grateful for your never ending happy attitude, you light up a room.
Jenny: I'm grateful for your desire to do what is right and determination.
Derrick: I'm grateful for your love of Jenny and willingness to make anything work.
Grandma Noreen: I'm grateful for your love of your family and example of determination.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fun with Filters

More silly projects. (These are cool because you start without anything in photoshop and create these just using filters.)