Monday, February 2, 2009

For Reals?

What a funny tradition... Some dude pulls a groundhog from his home and declares 6 more weeks of winter - he should be shot! (jk) Punxsutawney Phil was probably having a nice nap when he gets jerked out of bed. If I were him I'd use those huge teeth and bite the crap out of anything that grabbed me that way. This picture especially shows Phil's distaste for today. It looks like he's pretty ticked to me. I have a better idea... Instead of pulling Phil out of his hole, I'll go and whisper quietly into his hole, "Listen, you'd better stay inside. There's a bunch of weirdos out here who want to know if there's gonna be 6 more weeks of winter or not. So, how's about we save us both some grief and you tell me there's no shadow and we can both go back to bed happy..."

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