Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rollerblading Anyone?

Today seems like the first sunshiny day for a while so we had to take advantage of it. The first idea was just to go hiking maybe up in Mueller Park or up Adam's Canyon but it evolved into rollerblading on the Legacy Trail. I was hesitant to pull out the rollerblades because of the verbal abuse I got the last time I had donned them. We were in Salem and a passing car with their windows down literally pointed and laughed at me! (lol, well deserved I guess) But for today it seemed like we'd be in good company along the Legacy Trail. What went from "just a few miles" turned into 15! We rollerbladed all the way to my parents house in Kaysville! I'm sun burned and sore but it was a fun adventure.


Melissa said...

holy crap!! i was about to make fun of you for wearing roller blades, but holy crap, 15 miles! sheesh, i gots no room to talk :)

Michelle said...

That's awesome, how fun! I remember the good ol' roller blading days. I don't think I've roller blades since elementary. I wasn't ever very good! 15 miles is pretty impressive!

Rosie said...

I couldn't believe it when mom told me. that's very adventurous of you two. Wait, that's more than's crazy awesome. wish i could have been on my jazzy bike and gone for the ride :) way to go!

mandi said...

did the parents give you a ride home? btw: you look an awful lot like lis in this pic. It is so strange to see pics of you now because I haven't actually seen you since you've been all grown up. It takes me a minute.

matt and sarah said...

You guys are so cute!