(I had to catch Alvin practicing his victory ride. lol) This morning we went on a ride. Alvin told me that we'd just go up Legacy Parkway until the Farmington Station and then if we needed to turn around we would. The day was just too pretty to head back so we kept on and ended up going down through Farmington, Centerville, and Bountiful on the east side of I-15. This makes my first ride over 30 miles! I tell ya what though, the ipod is a God-send... music made it so much easier to bike the longer distance. Here's a good play list if you're looking for some tunes to work out to:
1. 1234 Feist
2. Work it Missy Elliot
3. Push it Salt n Pepa
4. Survivor Destiny's Child
5. Fast as you can Fiona Apple
6. C'mon C'mon The Von Bondies
7. Don't stop til you get enough Michael Jackson
8. Touch it / Technologic Daft Punk
9. Stronger Kanye
10. Check on it Destiny's Child
11. Pop Nsync
Love it! Can you make me a copy of the list?
Sure thing!
I love the Ute wear...you guys seriously look the part of bikers extrodinair! (sp?) way to go on being all exercisy and stuff :)
The Michael Jackson - Don't stop till you get enough, just makes me start dancing when i hear the title :)
thanks nat. i need some good running music. I am doing the Bryce Canyon half July 18. I saw awhile back that you guys went camping. That would be fun if you guys wanted to come camp out with us that weekend. We are leaving Friday morning July 17 and staying until Saturday or Sunday. Let me know if you guys would want to. If not we still need to do something soon.
your taste in music is whack. but i wont knock it, as soon as i can bike 30 miles then i will have even ground to stand on, until then i will just think silly thoughts about you, in my head, and not out loud! have you lost any weight since getting the bikes? just curious.
Andi, I talked to Alvin about going camping with you guys and we think that would be so fun! Do you guys already have a camp site? Oh and Lissa, work out music is a whole different sha-bang than the music I normally listen to... I wouldn't get pumped to ride my bike listening to KOL. lol! "I need somebody"...to push me up this hill... lol
ps - tell Alvino "nice calf!"
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