Friday, July 18, 2008

Our Top Ten Physical Therapy Schools to Apply to:

These are in no specific order, well maybe they are but don't tell...

1. The University of Utah

2. A. T. Still University - Arizona

3. University Nevada Las Vegas

4. Northern Arizona University

5. Pacific University - Forest Grove, Oregon

6. Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri

7. Duke University - Durham, North Carolina

8. University of Michigan - Flint

9. University of Kansas

10. Columbia University - New York


Rosie said...

While it certainly is not the most recognized (of the top 10 list) you know my vote is for Stills. Jack needs some family down here :) At any rate, all of those schools looked really good. Throw that net out wide - I say. after 27 apps and 4 acceptances, it was nice to have options :) Good Luck!! and enjoy the concert festivities!

Nat said...

Really? We should be applying to that many? Oh crap...

Melissa said...

hmmm...very interesting. that would be funny as hell. "hey guys, here i am in kansas city."