Monday, March 16, 2009

My Lucky Charm

I had seen, “Rodgers, Gary” on the caller id and ignored the call. The oldest of the Rodgers boys had made a name for himself in the singles ward and I was weary (Sorry Stu.)

Alvin didn’t exist until the YSA rafting trip down the Deschutes. I was a spunky girl from Utah in a low cut swim suit (…that Rosie helped pick out. We’re so good at flirting… Look at my chest; don’t you want to date me?) Needless to say, he spent the trip following around a girl named Willow. (So much for the new swim suit…lol) A few weekends went by…

Sacrament meeting was almost over and Darcy got up to make an announcement. This was Alvin’s big move. He slid over next to me and said, “I don’t know you, but I’d like to…” I think I laughed out loud. Next thing I knew I was giving him my number. (I guess the cleavage worked after all. They should sell swim suits like that with a label attached that reads, “Luke 21:19 …patience possess ye your soul…”)

Six months later we were sitting alone in the Celestial Room of the Portland Temple waiting for the sealer. I was trying to be calm. Nothing but the word eternity filled my head. Temple dresses should be sold with a label attached that reads, “Doctrine & Covenants 132:46, And verily, verily, I say unto you, that whatsoever you seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever you bind on earth, in my name and by my word, saith the Lord, it shall be eternally bound in the heavens…” And I wouldn’t have it any other way! Much of what the sealer said I can’t remember but the way Alvin looked at me across the alter I’ll never forget.

Today is our 3rd anniversary! I don’t profess to know my sweetheart completely but here’s what three years has taught me: He has more energy in his little finger than I do in a week. Cereal is always better when eaten out of a mixing bowl. A little lovin goes a long way. One cannot have enough pairs of boot cut jeans. Quarter inch groupings from a .223 are something to celebrate. To hold a grudge he’d have to schedule it as a reoccurring appointment. He’s my sugar and I’m his baby.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Andi Fitz said...

Hey Nat! You are funny :) Happy Anniversary!!! I can't believe it's been three years! I really want to get together soon!

The Crandall Family said...

Congrats! Wow three years. Have a great time celebrating, You both still have that glow like you did that st. paddys day in Oregon!

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary! What a cute post!

The Crandall Family said...

lets pretend that blinding glow is love :)

Rosie said...

What the crap?! I did not pick out a cleavage swimsuit ... just a Cute swimsuit ;)
I can't believe you wrote that first should probably edit based on your upcoming trip. :)
It was a very cute post though and I too, remember the only word i could think of on my wedding day was ETERNITY. It's like it just sat there in my head and echoed.
Happy Anniversary you two!
by the by...loved the picture - those greens and yellows were lovely.

Melissa said...

i think you ought to expound on "a little lovin' goes a long way"

mandi said...

Man! After that, I'm in love!