Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reading, Smeading...give me a cookie...

I broke down and started reading Twilight. It was after I actually purchased the DVD that I picked the book up. It probably should have been the other way around. It’s just that, and this is embarrassing to admit, but I don’t like to read.

Sitting down and getting into a book is more of a chore than recreation. Perhaps it’s because the second I pick up a piece of literature I feel like I should be taking notes, analyzing the protagonist/antagonist relationship, and memorizing facts to regurgitate later on a test.

While blog surfing I’ll occasionally come across those with a “Shelfari” posted. This is to say that friends and family post what they’re reading at the moment or what their favorite books are. I’ve come to the conclusion that to be honest with myself, my ‘shelf’ would have to be called a “Foodfari”. Where others post their love for books, I would have to post my love for food. What am I eating right now… Favorites… Dishes I’d like to try… How sad it is that food is more interesting to me than books?

It’s not that I wasn’t raised to love reading. My mother read to me constantly. Little House on the Prairie, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Ramona Quimby, Anne of Green Gables, etc… To this day my mother reads constantly. There’s a stack of 4 to 5 books on her night stand she jumps between. But to be fair I was also raised to love food. (lol) It’s funny that when most families recall trips it’s the activities that they remember. Oh no, not the Kings… it’s the food we ate. “Remember that restaurant with the…”

I guess my point of all this rambling is that for the first time in a long while I’ve enjoyed reading again. I’ve devoured this book. Maybe it was the hype that kept me away or the chore of almost 500 pages, either way I’m beginning to find a love for recreational reading again. It’s sad that it took Twilight to spark my interest. But can you blame me?

I think going forward I’ll have to try to mix the “Shelfari” and “Foodfari”… “….while reading Tale of Two Cities might I suggest Kroger brand iced oatmeal cookies and a cold Dr. Pepper…”


Michelle said...

I am the same way. I'm not into reading at all but I read the Twilight books and it was really nice to enjoy reading and get into the books for once. I haven't read anything since (besides scriptures) but it was fun while it lasted :).

Rosie said...

Mmmm books and cookies and Dr. Pepper - put me in Orlando or Whistler and you have a dream vacation :)
ps love the pic of Ramona

Melissa said...

when i was looking up the trailer for the movie version of "where the wild things are" i think i saw that someone was making a "ramona and bezzus" movie. it made me very nostalgic, and happy.

mandi said...

kroger brand iced oatmeal. I'm on my way.