Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can't Forget

Here are a few photos I've been meaning to post. Their relevancy is irrelevant...

This is Jack Jack playing with Emmie when they were up at the beginning of the month.

This is Emmie. She thinks she's the queen of everything - hence sitting on Alvin's mouse.

Pardon the fuzz - this is Alvin's mom with her two nieces Heather and Sarah.

This is the monster burger at the Sky Box. Seriously the biggest burger I've ever seen.

Mom, Dad, and I enjoying Memorial Day.

This is Gretel, the newest member of our family.

This is how Gretel and Emmie feel about each other.


Melissa said...

Kenna won't freakin' shut up about Emmie and Gretel. they are sweethearts. that was the funnest date night ever, by the way.

Rosie said...

First, love moms hair. Good job on the referral. Second, that burger is crazy! Fun date night - jealous :) and 3rd what's with the new kitty?

mandi said...

you've got TWO mutt cats? insanity! You must be still holding on to the ghost of old Sal. Did you ever go out to Haystack Rock on Canon Beach? There is a restaurant with that same burger. Did he finish it?

Nat said...

Mandi I can't believe you remember Sally. Yes there's another kitten... it's what happens when you get baby hungry but don't want to change diapers yet... lol. No Alvin didn't finish it. We were surprised that the waiter didn't mention the size.

Rosie said...

I just love how Dean looks so determined with the burger. "You/ me - staring contest - NOW!...You always win" robert Goulet.