Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Cure for PMS

I've found the cure for PMS. This afternoon I found myself fit to be tied. I haven't been this PMS'sy in a while. It was one of those out of body experiences... I'm was sobbing to myself all while looking at myself from a distance thinking, "What is your problem? There is nothing wrong!" So after work I hightailed it to my favorite Mexican restaurant and sat and ate my burrito verde alone. It was quite pleasant actually. Then on my way home I scanned through the radio stations to find tunes worthy of the air guitar. "A Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zepplin would do as well as "Anyway You Want It" by Journey. (Man I'm a nerd for listening to 103.5 The Arrow.) What's even better is the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. As I was enjoying my chips and dip I got a call from Rosie. She had gone to IHOP by herself last night and enjoyed a drive around Phoenix listening to Simon and Garfunkle. She called it "nerdy" I call it "theraputic"! There's nothing wrong with singing,"Celia, you're breaking my heart, You're shaking my confidence daily, Oh, cecilia, I'm down on my knees, I'm begging you please to come home," at the top of your lungs. So I guess the moral of the story is that when that delightful time of the month hits go enjoy dining out to some comfort food and locate your classic rock station without haste.


Rosie said...

AWESOME PIC! totally therapeutic indeed! Hashbrowns never tasted so good. Love ya!

Jen said...

One of my favorite things to do is to go find a good place to eat, sometimes being alone never felt so good! There have been many days when I hightail it away! One of the best cures for pms!

Melissa said...

my best cure for pms, but it can only come once i have figured out why i am screaming and crying at everyone, which sometimes can take a while. is to listen to Rush and have a Diet Coke and chocolate donut from the gas station.

matt and sarah said...

I must say you hid it well. I had no idea you were having a bad day yesterday. Of course I live in my own little world most of the time. Next time I want to go eat Mexican with ya!

mandi said...

i'm on my way!