Thursday, June 18, 2009

I told you so...

This post is mostly for Alvin. Occasionally when we're out-and-abouting he'll start into his medical terminology jargon. For example: "Did you know that popping zits on your nose could give you meningitis?" Well the other night he was going on about herpes like it's normal everyday talk. I threw in the mix that one of the Error children had "herpangina" when they were little. "Pssshh... There's no such thing as herpangina!" he laughed at me. "No really there is!" He didn't believe me. How could something as rediculous sounding as "herpangina" be real? To his credit though it does sound like something I would have made up to mock his jargon talk. But last night the subject came up again and we hadn't resolved it. So off I went to Google, and don't you just love the predictive text? I typed in h-e-r-p-a- and there at the bottom of the list came up "herpangina". HA! SO There! What is it you ask? Well thanks to - Herpangina is an illness caused by a virus, characterized by small blister-like bumps or ulcers that appear in the mouth, usually in the back of throat or the roof of the mouth. The child often has a high fever with the illness. (Man I love to rub it in when I'm


Melissa said...

eeewwww. thats nasty. you didnt mention that it was spread primarily by poopy diapers or other forms of that. gross. i just like saying the word "herp-an-gina" thats great.

Rosie said...

we probably could have done without the picture :) I love being right on a ridiculous point!

Jen said...

Don't forget it can spread to the palms of your hands and bottoms of the feet. It's really gross, thanks for posting the fact that my kids had it! No secrets here! ;)

mandi said...

hell hath no fury. . . Way to win one for the team sista!