Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Takes Two to Tandem

Last Saturday Alvin and I got the itch to try out a tandem bike. The sales guys at the Bountiful Bike shop couldn't stress enough how important communication is while riding together on a tandem. "Ya, ya... How hard can it be?" Now if you know me you know I'm kind of a control freak but I'll try and deny it in the face of adventure. So off we went wobbling down the street behind Woods Cross High with Alvin manning the controls. I don't think I realized I wouldn't have control of the breaks or shifting gears. After the first two minutes, "Hell no, this isn't fun and it's not going to work." But like the sales guys said we realized the more we communicated the easier and more fun it got. We were almost ready to pull out the Visa until the image of Alvin biking to the U on a tandem by himself flashed through our heads. (lol) "Why the long face?"


Rosie said...

Ha! that is such a funny image...only you two would actually consider buying one of those :) By the by those are dang hard to ride. I think me and bud tried one out in NC when we were little. Several crashes later we gave up :)

Melissa said...

what the what??? who and what are you? thats for like, 1950's couples romantically pedaling through central park!! i thought the insanity would stop at the inline skates. :)

Jen said...

Thanks for the laugh, it was out loud!