Sunday, August 9, 2009

10% Less that Perfect

Being right on an average of 90% of the time is pretty killer I think. What I wouldn't give to only have 10 % uncertainty. Who am I kidding, I'm right 110% of the time right?! Na, I'm talking about my sweetheart finishing up his first semester of PT school with an A - in every class! Not too shabby! Keep it up sugar and I'll try to have more patience while you teach me about what nerve innervates what muscle and hearing the details of what you've dissected that day.


Rosie said...

An A- is perfect in my book. Way to go Alvino. Sky is the limit. You two enjoy your much needed vacation. Rent a tandem bike for the beach hee hee.

Melissa said...

ewwie, dissections. damn thats one smart cookie you married!