Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm Craving Fall!

I hate to wish the summer away but I'm craving fall! There is an overwhelming urge to buy school supplies. It's like on that movie You've Got Mail when Tom Hanks is emailing Meg Ryan, "If I knew your name and address I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils." More than school supplies, I can't wait for crisp cooler days, sweaters, football, and hot apple cider. There is a place just north of Salem, Oregon that is quintessential for fall. It's a family farm called Bauman Farms. The first time Rosie and I walked in the little farm house we knew it just couldn't get any better. They serve freshly pressed hot apple cider and apple cider doughnuts out of the oven all a midst a pumpkin patch and an oopa loompa band playing "Edelweiss". I'm not sure why or where I got it from but nothing makes me happier than autumn activities. Alvin knows every year that he's getting dragged to the nearest Oktoberfest. The closest one to us now is up at Snowbird. It's complete with "ricola" horns, bratwurst, strudel, dancing, accordions, and plenty of lederhosen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man! those pictures get me drooling like Pavlov's dog! How i'll miss the snowbird Oktoberfest. Take in a dance for me!