Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All StuffedUp!

I don't understand why scientists can create seedless watermelons and grapples but haven't come up with a cure for the common cold. I feel like the two gentleman above today although Rosie and Melissa have given me a complex to make me feel this way daily. So I'm throwing this out, "What works for you?" I'm at my whits end and need to breathe! Help!


tamrandfamily said...

I'm sorry your sick. Have you tried Emergen C? Kind of like Airborne. When I start to get the sniffles, I drink a couple packets of this. Full of Vitamin C and other good stuff. I have 2 boxes, call me if you want me to give you some :) I hope you are feeling better!~

The Crandall Family said...

We use "My Defense" its also like airbourne. Then we load up on vita C supplements when ever we feel a sore throat or get stuffy. Neither of us has been sick since last winter!!! sorry probably not helpful :) Feel better!

Rosie said...

Awwwh, hers doesn't have a big nose. You're beautiful exactly the way you are! :) even if your nose is so stuffed you can't think right. I always resort to Afrin...but that hopefully is a last resort. Then again you know I still believe in Airborne. :) So why listen to crazy lady!:0)

Melissa said...

you suck, i have been many a complex about many other things by our other siblings, so can it sister, j/k thanks for the giggle though.

Melissa said...

have you tried my good friend "the neilmed Neti-pot" sinus rinse. i use mine everyday , if i skip a day it all goes down the toilet.

Jodi said...

Dave sears by Airborne. I swear nothing works for me!

Jodi said...

I meant to says "swears" not "sears"!