Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can't Buy Me Love

Last night I got off work and ran to Smith's to pick up a few items for dinner. When I got home Alvin was no where to be found and couldn't be reached on his cell. This is very unlike him. We've been attached at the hip since we met. So, a little frustrated I sat and ate my turkey tacos alone. As I'm cleaning up he walks in the door with the excuse that he was at Sports Authority. You couldn't call or answer your phone to let me know? It wasn't that big of deal so I dropped it. After cleaning up, we were off to work on homework. When I got downstairs he handed me a box neatly wrapped with a gold bow. It's not my birthday, it's not our anniversary, he just got me something just because! (Ladies, when does this ever happen?) He bought me a watch! There's a picture of it to the left. Holy smokes! I was and still am blown away. Now, I say 'can't buy me love' because truely I don't need this beautiful new watch to know how much he loves me. He just wanted me to know of his appreciation for all I'm trying to help him with and accomplish at this time in our lives. I married a great guy!


tamrandfamily said...

Way to go Alvin!! IT's Beautiful!
All that hard work paid off Nat!!

Melissa said...

ummm, i hate to play the pessimist but, what horrible thing did he do to have to butter you up so sweetly with a gorgeous watch??? oh well, c'est la vie! enjoy! pretty things are very nice.

The Crandall Family said...

that's awesome! It looks very sparkly and pretty! Very sweet of Alvin!