Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blogging Armistice?

Am I missing something? I think the memo for the blogger's armistice bypassed my inbox. The few blogs that I follow seem to have fallen off the earth. Is it because we've all run out of things to say about ourselves? Blogging is a funny thing isn't it? Look at us! Look what we just did! Just wait until Well to those of you who might actually read this, snap to it! My morning log ons aren't quite the same without the "1 - 23 hours ago" updates.


Melissa said...

ma'am, yes ma'am , i'll get right on it! sorry for the delay!

matt and sarah said...

I think there is something wrong with my blog. It tells everyone I updated two weeks ago, but I actually updated on Saturday. Maybe you're missing all this stuff because it is listing updates wrong! Let's revolt!

Rosie said...

I know - my midnight check-in's are quite boring. I keep thinking I need to add more friends!You should write on peoples comments...hint hint, that way they will know they are just writing to the unknowns in cyberspace. i just wanted to say cyberspace :)