Tuesday, December 30, 2008

LOST & not Found

I seemed to have lost my phone. It's just disappeared. So, unfortunately if you are trying to get a hold me you're S.O.L. I'm due for an upgrade in January so if I don't end up finding the darn thing I'm going to have to get a new one. But if you need to reach me, my work number is 801-951-1118 or after work I'm usually with Alvin 801-928-6077. Cause I'm just so popular you know! JK! (When I find it there will be no missed calls...lol)


Melissa said...

mine is usually in the couch cushins or the girls have thrown it in the toilet. did you check your toilet? :)

Nat said...

That reminds me of Nick and Norah when Caroline drops her cell into the bus station toilet - ew!