Thursday, May 14, 2009

Unknown Number

Last night Alvin and I were just hanging out at home watching a movie and playing scrabble. His phone rang and it wasn’t a number either of us recognized. “Should I answer it?” he said hesitantly. It’s now generally a rule that if it’s a number we don’t recognize it’s someone calling from church. He answered it and sure enough it was the executive secretary wanting to know if the bishopric could come over Thursday evening. At the end of their conversation Alvin said, “Sorry I didn’t catch your name” “This is Brother Peterson… now you know if you see this number on your caller ID not to answer it.” (lol) Isn’t that the truth?!

Man, the entire bishopric though?! We’re being ganged up on for not being at church as much as we should. When they ask where we’ve been I’m going to have to respond like Nacho:

Sister Encarnacion: “Where have you been Ignacio?”
Nacho: “I’ve had a lot of churchy opportunities lately”

Or the bishopric could be concerned like Nacho was:

Nacho: “I'm a little concerned right now. About... your salvation and stuff.”
Esqueleto: “I dunno why you always have to be judging me because I only believe in science.”

So in other words there’s going to be a party tonight at my house. Everyone is welcome! 7:30 sharp. Perhaps if there’s a roaring party going on the bishopric will get distracted and forget why they came in the first place. "We'd like to extend to you the call..." "You've gotta try these chicken wings they're to die for!" (Just kidding Mom!)


Melissa said...

bahaahaa! thats the greatest thing ever..."your salvation and stuff" don't you know that the whole bishopric come around and visit the new folks, usually before they can get your records and therefore extend calls? chicken wings thats great. will you be showing off your "gollum" dance? i'll come to your party if you do?!

Rosie said...

Why do I always get Dead Guy duties? The first time I had the whole gang over was in Oregon and they called me to be the Ward Committee Leader...Watch out!! :)

matt and sarah said...

Ha ha ha! I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one that dreads that phone call/visit.

mandi said...

I love nacho. Bummer about the dudes paying a visit. Go buy a can of beer. You'll know what to do with it.