Sunday, November 15, 2009

Notes... Who needs 'em?

You'll have to forgive all the silly memory postings I put on here, but this is the closest thing I have to a journal. (Won't my posterity lucky to read all about my crush on Robert Pattinson lol) Anyhow here is another such posting.

There are those moments right before bed that Alvin and I talk about the most ridiculous things. Last night it was "recorders". Did any of you have "recorder class" around 3rd or 4th grade? Well we did. I can remember getting my brown plastic recorder out of it's blue bag for the first time.

We joked about Alvin performing a solo on his recorder in an upcoming sacrament meeting. You may not know this about Alvin but he can play most anything he hears on the piano. This "playing by ear" translated to his recorder in his early years. Here's a direct quote from the master himself, "It's not a matter of learning it (the song), it's just there".

Man I thought my "Hot Cross Buns" was a trip. The coordination of keeping all five fingers doing something to produce an actual melody was a genuine accomplishment for me. Can you imagine my cocky husband at 8 or 9 yrs old... "Oh yeah, have you heard of Bach?" I'm in trouble when we have little Alvin's running around.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

doo, doo, doot, one a penny, two a penny, doo, doot, doo.
We really didn't get the musical gene did we? so unfair...
thanks for the 3rd grade memories. Can you imagine being a 3rd grade teacher with 30+ recorders blaring away in your face. Definitely not my calling!