Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'll Have the Regular...

Now this is neither here nor there but I thought it was a little funny. Last night Alvin and I went to my favorite Mexican place in Layton, Guadalajara Grill. We usually end up sharing a plate unless I’m feeling like snarfing a whole plate by myself. I get the same thing every time; the chili-verde burrito with rice and beans. Come to find out, Came, the owner’s sister and our waitress has noticed. We sat down and she says in her sweet Spanish accent and raised eyebrows, “Chili-verde with rice and beans?” LOL – I’ve turned into a regular! This has never happened before… I don’t know whether to be ashamed of eating out too much and being predicable or take it as a compliment that they remember me. Either way, “Guadalajara Night” what my mom and I called every other Wednesday in High School, has almost creped into my marriage as a norm. (Yay!)


Melissa said...

awe, come on, you love it cause that means you are getting noticed :)

Rosie said...

Yahoo! that's great. Come on now, i know you really mean EVERY wednesday night :) not just every other!
By the by, that sounds really good right now.

Also I always get a kick out of the "word verification" word - today's: Muskedos (you know those little insects that bite you in the summer)