Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tag I'm It!

So my friend Krissy tagged me for my pet peeves.... (In no particular order.)

1. Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Dr. Laura, etc.
2. Mix matched socks.
3. Overly talkative waiters/waitresses.
4. Cotton balls.
5. Anything symmetric.
6. Crappy logos.
7. The new building at the intersection of Hwy 89 & Harrison.
8. Warming up my truck in the morning.
9. The spurt of yogurt as you open it.
10. The watery substance that comes out the Ketchup bottle first.
11. Iowa

Tag YOU'RE it!


Melissa said...

i so love that Iowa is there. thats totally funny.

mandi said...

come on! Rush? What's not to love?!? ;)

Michelle said...

Hey Natalie! I found your blog on facebook. I was just thinking of your spotlight on the program at church and how it said you loved blogging and I thought, "I want to see her blog!" :) Anyways, I found it. Hope you don't mind. I love blogging, it's such a fun way to keep in touch! Mine is private so if you want to see it just let me know and I'll send you an invite. My email is michelletrujillo1@gmail.com