Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Random Thought...

Name associations are funny. A single name can hold so many different connotations. For example; we were trying to name our new kitty. “Maggie?” I suggested. “Maggie big eye ball,” scoffed Alvin. Apparently there was a little girl who lived up the street from Alvin when he was growing up, her name was Maggie and she had huge eye balls. So consequently Alvin nic named her “Maggie Big Eye Ball”. He admitted he called this to her face. What a sweetheart…

To this day I can’t see the name Marty without hearing Ben Kingsley talking to Robert Redford in the movie Sneakers:

Cosmo: “No more secrets Marty.”

Without even realizing it I’m usually saying it out loud. “Maawdy”

Cosmo: “Give me the Box Marty.”

I tried to find a clip of Ben Kingsley’s version but was out of luck. But for kicks here’s the trailer. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a classic pre Hacker’s, early 90’s thriller.


Michelle said...

That's so true, there's so many associations with names... I'm sad you're not in our ward anymore :(. Hope you like your new place and new ward :). Good luck with school and everything!

Rosie said...

Such a great movie. I think I totally feel like that picture from Monster's Inc. (Mike I think it is?) Like I walk around with a Huh? on my forehead.