Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Love You Grandma!

This evening on my way home I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all that Alvin and I are trying to accomplish right now. There's a song my mom used to sing to me before bed that seems to help me put things back in perspective:

Sing your way home
at the close of the day...
Sing your way home,
drive the shadows away.
Smile every mile
For wherever you roam
It will brighten your road,
It will lighten your load,
If you sing your way home.

We got a phone call from Alvin's mom this evening with the news that his Uncle Bob had taken his own life. If a song won't put life in perspective that sure will. Uncle Bob's mother, our Grandma Noreen will now have survived 2 husbands and all three of her sons. One thing is for sure; Heavenly Father has placed Noreen on this earth because of all the incredible good she has done and will continue to do. As Alvin talked to her this evening she was still trying her best to "smile every mile". We love you Grandma and our hearts and prayers go out to you for your loss.


Rosie said...

Oh I am so very sorry about your family's loss. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

Melissa said...

im so sorry, thats awful.

mandi said...
